- Boer Goats for Beginners
Boer Goats for Beginners. Questions and Answers about Boer Goats that were developed in South Africa as a breed meant solely for meat production.
- Cae: What does it Mean to You?
CAE (Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus) is a common disease of goats that is prevalent worldwide. In the United States, prevalence as high as 81% has been reported for goat
- Meat Goats as Companion Livestock
Combining Goats with Other Livestock: Goats can be a good companion livestock with cattle or sheep if they are in conditions where they can browse. If given a choice, goats will eat brush and tall weeds, cattle eat tall grass, and sheep eat shorter grasses.
- The History of Boer Goats
Boer goats come to us from South Africa. The earliest recorded goats in Africa were brought to western Uganda by the Black Nations as early as AD 1200.
- Why Raise Meat Goats?
What is so special about chevon (goat meat)? Many people have digestive problems that require a careful diet. The molecular structure of chevon is different than that of other meats. Therefore, chevon digests more easily. It is also a low fat, good tasting alternative to chicken or fish.
- What is a Boer Meat Goat?
First of all, what is a Boer Goat? Boer goats are large framed animals resembling, in many ways, the Nubian goat. The most obvious difference is the size. A Boer is a large, double muscled animal. Boers are specifically meat goats. They can consistently produce more muscling in less time, and will pass this capability to their kids. Boers are to the meat goat industry what imported cattle were to the beef industry. Boers goats were developed in South Africa for their meat, hardiness and brush control abilities.